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Whistleblower Law Blog

The Employment Law Group® Law Firm is Quoted in an Article on the New ARB Members

Jason Zuckerman, a Principal at The Employment Law Group® law firm, is quoted in a Law360 article titled “Solis’ Whistleblower-Friendly Board May Reshape SOX.”  The article discusses the recent appointment of Paul Igasaki as ARB chair and Cooper Brown as vice chair and predicts that the ARB’s interpretation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act will become more favorable for whistleblowers. 

Mr. Zuckerman discusses loopholes in whisteblower statutes created by past ARB decisions which “ignored the plain meaning of whistleblower protection statutes,” and “[made] it more difficult for whistleblowers to prevail.”  Regarding the new appointees, Mr. Zuckerman noted that “it will be refreshing to have ARB members who are not hostile to whistleblower rights.”

For more information learn more about The Employment Law Group® and its Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Practice, click here.

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