An outline of the Top Five steps that an employee must take when returning to work following a breast cancer diagnosis.
This article by
TELG principal Adam Augustine Carter and TELG managing principal R. Scott Oswald was published by on October 24, 2014. The full article is available at
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Back on the Job: Employee Protections Following a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
The story is all too common. After months of fighting, it looks like you have finally overcome your breast cancer diagnosis. All that is left is for some follow-up treatments and to return to work. To your surprise, after having fought off breast cancer, you now find yourself in a fight with your employer over the nature of your return.
We like to think that most employers will warmly embrace the return of an employee who has survived a breast cancer diagnosis. But that is not always the case. Below, we outline the Top Five steps that an employee must take when returning to work following a breast cancer diagnosis.
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