Media Coverage
July 02, 2013
CCTV America anchor Elaine Reyes interviewed R. Scott Oswald, managing principal at The Employment Law Group® about Edward Snowden’s options for asylum: Snowden’s Options Narrowing
June 25, 2013
CCTV America interviewed David Scher, principal at The Employment Law Group® about Edward Snowden, leaker of NSA surveillance information: Diplomatic Relations Tested in Search for Snowden
McClatchy included comment from R. Scott Oswald, managing principal of The Employment Law Group® law firm about the Insider Threat Program instituted by President Barack Obama for federal employees: Obama’s crackdown views leaks as aiding enemies of U.S.
June 10, 2013
CCTV America anchor Elaine Reyes interviews R. Scott Oswald, managing principal of The Employment Law Group® law firm, about the NSA leaker: Scott Oswald Discusses Leader Edward Snowden
The Los Angeles Times quotes David Scher, principal of The Employment Law Group® law firm, on how hotels should cater to guests who may need special accommodations: The right way for hotel to suggest an accessible room
May 28, 2013
Intuit Small Business Blog quotes David Scher, principal of The Employment Law Group® law firm, on the legal danger of ignoring a workplace relationship: What to Do When Your Employees Get Romantic
Law360 quotes R. Scott Oswald, managing principal of The Employment Law Group® law firm, on how companies can stop internal complaints from blowing up into legal crises : 6 Tips For Keeping Whistleblower Complaints In-House (subscription)
March 19, 2013
Law360 quotes TELG attorney R. Scott Oswald as an expert in its analysis of the landmark Wiest v. Lynch ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit: “3rd Circ. Lowers Bar For SOX Whistleblowers In Tyco Case.”
March 04, 2013
Law360 quotes TELG attorney David Scher on New York City’s revamped False Claims Act: “NYC’s FCA No Friend To Private Plaintiffs, Lawyers Say”
February 05, 2013
Law360 covers TELG’s filing of a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit on behalf of a former manager for a defense contractor, alleging he was fired after reporting fraudulent government billing practices: “Ex-BAE Manager Files FCA Suit Over Retaliation.”
January 31, 2013
Virginia Lawyers Weekly covers appellate win of TELG client who suffered sex discrimination and retaliation by Virginia Tech: “Warnings to Lie Low Supported Retaliation Claim.”
January 24, 2013
Law360 covers TELG’s filing of an unpaid overtime lawsuit against a federal contractor operating in Kabul, Afghanistan: “Kabul Embassy Guards Sue Security Co. For Unpaid Overtime.”
January 18, 2013
Law360 interviews TELG attorney R. Scott Oswald on upcoming decisions from the Tenth and Third Circuits on the whistleblower provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley: “DOL’s Whistleblower-Friendly SOX Approach Faces Key Tests.”
January 17, 2013
ABC 10 San Diego interviews TELG attorney David Scher on a disability discrimination lawsuit filed on behalf of a military spouse: “Woman claims she was fired because she had cancer: Vivienne Parra files lawsuit against ex-employer.”
January 08, 2013
Law360 interviews TELG attorney R. Scott Oswald on the extension of whistleblower protections to government contractors under the new National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA): “NDAA Whistleblower Rules Expose More Cos. To Complaints.”
December 18, 2012
Bloomberg BNA published an interview with TELG managing principal R. Scott Oswald on age discrimination litigation in the wake of Gross: “Q&A: ‘But-For’ Standard Keeps Plaintiffs’ Lawyers on Their Toes.”
October 19, 2012
TELG principal David Scher quoted in CNN story on Jorge Scientific whistleblower lawsuit: “Drunk contractors cause harm in Afghanistan, lawsuit alleges.”
October 14, 2012
TELG principal Adam Augustine Carter quoted in The Richmond Times-Dispatch: “Jury awards $800,000 to U.Va. researcher.”
October 12, 2012
TELG principal Adam Augustine Carter quoted in Charlottesville’s The Daily Progress on $819,000 jury verdict in Huang whistleblower retaliation case: “UVa whistleblower wins $820,000 in federal lawsuit.”
September 27, 2012
Law360 features lead story on Kramer decision in favor of TELG client and Dodd-Frank whistleblower: “Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Ruling May Spark Retaliation Suits.”