Sarah Dickinson
Client Services Specialist
As a client services specialist, Sarah Dickinson is one of the first people potential clients meet at The Employment Law Group® law firm. She is one of a team of specialists who answers calls and messages from people looking for legal help.
Often when people call TELG, they’re experiencing issues at work that have been years in the making. Ms. Dickinson’s job is to unwind all the complicated details and get to the root of what people are struggling with, whether that be discrimination, retaliation, or another employment issue.
Ms. Dickinson will talk to potential clients, gather the facts of their situation, and get the ball rolling on TELG’s client intake process. She guides potential clients through collecting documents for their case, schedules consultations with attorneys, and follows up with people to make sure the process is going smoothly.
Retelling their story throughout the initial stages can be a difficult and even painful experience for potential clients. Ms. Dickinson does her best to provide sympathy, patience, and the reassurance that someone is listening to their story and believes them. Ms. Dickinson has found that some people are relieved to get things off their chest, even if they don’t pursue legal representation. Her goal is for people to feel better after speaking with her.
Ms. Dickinson joined the firm in January 2015. Two years afterwards, she began handling social media for TELG on top of being a client services specialist. Ms. Dickinson helps promote events that our attorneys participate in by designing graphics and posting on our various social media pages, such as LinkedIn and Twitter.
Prior to joining the firm, Ms. Dickinson earned a bachelor’s degree in applied conflict management at Kent State University in Ohio. While completing her degree, she interned at Cleveland Mediation Center, an organization focused on finding housing for veterans at risk of homelessness. She also interned at a nonprofit in D.C. that put together programs for high-risk kids.
In her free time, Ms. Dickinson enjoys having an active lifestyle. She grew up running in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park near her hometown in northeast Ohio and still enjoys trail running to this day. Ms. Dickinson loves listening to live music, cooking yummy vegan food to share with her favorite people, and just spending time with her two rabbits, River and Cinnabun.